Windows into the Imagination


We are always looking for well-written, informative content and science fiction books to entertain and touch our readers.

At the top of your email header put Submission - category of submission - submission title.

All articles and books for review which are chosen will have the author, your link, and your book/work featured on bar on the left-hand side. The articles and reviews will also be cross-posted to my FaceBook page and Twitter feed.

Submission Guidelines
Science: Fact or Fiction Articles

Articles must be well-research and with attributing footnotes and links.

Include the following information:

One line summary of topic
Brief summary of topic
Any additional information about the author which might be relevant

Please do not include the article with the query submission. If the topic fits within our schedule, you will be contacted for further submission details.

Book for Reviews

Books for reviews will begin in July 2011. We are currently open for submissions. Positive reviews are not guaranteed, but it will be an honest, thoughtful and detailed review.

We are only looking for science fiction-themed books and any of it's various sub-genres. This site is also accessible for everyone since YA-science fiction will also be reviewed. So please nothing highly explicit and keep swearing to a minimum..

Anything not fitting within the guidelines will be politely, but firmly, refused.

Include the following information:


Tag line
Blurb for your book (less than 500 words)
Format being offered (print or ebook, with ebook being preferred)
Any additional information about the author which might be relevant